Agronomic analyses for materials such as soils, plant tissues, and Cannabis can present considerable challenges, even for today’s spectrometers. Many analyzers currently on the market may fall short of satisfactory performance.Learn how new advances in ICP-OES technology can greatly benefit your analysis of soils, plants and Cannabis samples and how the introduction of ED-XRF analysis can simplify sample preparation and increase productivity for nutrient and heavy metal analysis.
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Event Overview:
Agronomy - including plant genetics, plant physiology, soil fertilization, and soil science - improves the use of soil and increases the production of food and fiber crops. The work often relies heavily on analysis of field samples. The accuracy and timeliness of these analyses are vital to the testing regimes of state regulatory laboratories, contract and other commercial/university soil laboratories, and production laboratories maintained by fertilizer makers and other manufacturers.
The introduction energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (ED-XRF) for plant tissue analysis will offer a very fast analysis method that requires little sample preparation besides grinding without the need to do an acid digestion. It will also allow the user to keep their inductively coupled plasma–optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) focused on soil samples without having to switch over for plant analysis. This webcast will also discuss options to analyze Cannabis without extensive sample preparation as well.
Key Learning Objectives:
• New ED-XRF analysis for plant tissues to eliminate traditional sample preparation requirements for faster analysis
• How to overcome issues associated with alkalis and improving trace element measurement
• Electrothermal vaporization (ETV) technique for minimizing sample preparation for Cannabis analysis
• Differences between optical systems and how it impacts performance
• How combining XRF and ICP in your lab can boost productivity
• How to improve throughput and dramatically reduce your cost of operation
Speakers: Meredith Daniel-Prowse, Ph.D., Applications Scientist, SPECTRO Analytical Instruments
Dion Tsourides, Applications Director, SPECTRO Analytical Instruments
Time and Date: Wednesday, Feb. 26, 2020 at 1pm EST | 12pm CST | 10am PST
On demand available after airing until Feb. 26, 2021
Sponsors: SPECTRO Analytical Instruments
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Getting Started with GC Analysis for Cannabis
January 31st 2018Want to begin cannabis testing but don’t know where to start? Register now to find out how even somebody with no previous GC experience can start in house testing of cannabis samples. On Demand webcast available until Jan. 31, 2019.