March 3rd 2025
This month's column delves into the basics of how a mass spectrometer works and what the data it generates mean.
Polysorbate 80: An Emulsifying Agent in Cannabis Concentrate Microbiology
September 4th 2024This study shares how polysorbate 80 can be used in homogenization of cannabis concentrates to first determine if this additive aids in the extraction of the cannabis extract matrix and then testing to see how well target organisms survive in the extraction environment.
Insights on Cannabis Testing Challenges and Industry Standards: An Interview with Douglas Duncan
August 9th 2024In light of recent headlines concerning cannabis laboratories throughout the country, Cannabis Science and Technology reached out to Douglas Duncan, Laboratory Director of Kairos Labs in Detroit, MI and member of our Editorial Advisory Board for more information. In this interview, Duncan shares his perspectives on lab shopping, major challenges in the industry today, and innovations in cannabis testing laboratories for the future. He also shares insights into consumer practices and the potential effects of a federal rescheduling of cannabis.
The Latest Challenges to Cannabis Analysis: Perspectives from Zacariah Hildenbrand
April 24th 2024Our sister publication, LCGC International, sat down with Zacariah Hildenbrand, PhD, Chief Science Officer of Infinity Water Solutions and Partner of Medusa Analytical, for more insight into various trends in cannabis testing.
Calibration Science, Part I: Precision, Accuracy, and Random Error
December 13th 2023Here, we begin a new column series on calibration science. The goal of these columns will be to teach you the foundational theory behind how to calibrate analytical instruments that are used for quantitative analysis in the cannabis analysis industry, such as potency and pesticide analyzers.
The Poll Results Are In! Answers to Viewer Questions for Our Virtual Symposium
December 7th 2023Leading up to the virtual symposium, “Microbial Testing in Cannabis: Basics, Guidance, and Applications,” Cannabis Science and Technology held a poll on its LinkedIn page, offering viewers the chance to ask a question for panelists to answer during the presentation.
Industry Thought Leaders: Meet the People Driving the Cannabis Industry Forward
September 27th 2023In this new interview series, we sit down with several speakers from 2023 Cannabis Science Conference events to learn about their expertise and backgrounds in the cannabis industry. Join us to learn more about Dr. Peter Grinspoon, Jini Glaros, Dr. Miyabe Shields, and Adam Jacques.
Chromatographic Theory, Part VII: The Master Chromatographic Resolution Equation
August 24th 2023We finally present the Master Resolution Equation for chromatography, which combines all three measures of separation quality, and an understanding of these parameters will go a long way towards allowing you to rationally develop chromatographic methods.
Chromatographic Theory, Part V: Chromatographic Resolution
May 19th 2023A review of the concept of separation factors and a discussion on developing a method for measuring peak width including triangulation followed by the introduction of the concept of chromatographic resolution for a pair of peaks.
Chromatographic Theory, Part IV: Measuring Separation Quality with Capacity and Separation Factors
April 7th 2023Part IV of this series discusses the capacity factor of chromatographic peaks to calculate separation factors, whose value tells us how well two peaks are or aren’t separated. We then introduce the reality of peak widths and how they impact separation quality.
Differentiation of Group III Cannabis Cultivars into Novel Sub-Classes
The data presented here document the phytochemical composition of a large dataset of Group III cannabis cultivars and allow for the identification of distinct sub-classes.