Allison Baker co-presented at the Cannabis Science Conference on September 21, 2023, on a panel titled "Standards and Accreditation–The Way We Move Forward?"
The panel presentation "Analytical Track: Standards and Accreditation – The Way We Move Forward?" at Cannabis Science Conference Fall 2023 in Providence, Rhode Island
Alongside several industry experts, Allison Baker, co-presented at Cannabis Science Conference Fall 2023 on a panel titled “Standards and Accreditation–The Way We Move Forward?” which was moderated by Evan Friedmann, Scientific Cell Company, and Patricia Atkins of Antylia. Fellow presenters included: Nandakumara Sarma, US Pharmacopeia; James Farrell, ASTM International; Susan Audino, PhD, S.A. Audino & Associates, LLC; Tracy Szerszen, Perry Johnson Laboratory Accreditation, Inc.; Warren Merkel, ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB).
During the presentation, this panel of individuals from standards-setting organizations and accreditation bodies reviewed the role each play within the cannabis sector. As pioneers for establishing scientific standards and leaders who inspire confidence in quality services, these organizations work collaboratively to ensure the safety and integrity of hemp and cannabis. In this discussion-based panel, panelists defined the coordination between labs, accreditation bodies, and standards organizations, described how the cannabis space can be improved, discussed the use of standardization and accreditation in “good science”, and answer questions from audience members about the needs of cannabis laboratories to move the industry forward.
In this interview, Allison discusses what she hopes to see during the panel presentation and the conference overall.
Read a transcription of the interview below:
What do you hope attendees learn from the panel?
Allison Baker: So I really hope that attendees walk away from that panel with a better understanding of standards, organizations, and accreditation bodies and the coordination that takes place between those two bodies and the labs themselves. I also hope that we can just have some really candid open conversations about how we can improve the cannabis industry and how accreditation bodies and standards organizations can help when it comes to “good science.” I also, I'm just really excited to hear what lab testing bodies need from us–that's the only way that we really can move forward as a standard setting organization.
What do you most look forward to at the Cannabis Science Conference?
Baker: It's so great to just see colleagues turned friends, people that you don't see for a year or six months. You just get to see them and network with new people. I think that's probably my favorite part. I also don't come from a cannabis testing background, so when I can walk the exhibit hall or go to the presentations, I'm really learning from the experts in the field. And then I can take what I've learned, bring it back to AOAC and CASP, and really help my working group chairs better when it comes to developing our standards.
Lessons Learned from COVID: Improvements in Cannabis Testing Discussed by Bernie Lorenz, PhD
May 10th 2024In the Cultivation Track at Cannabis Science Conference, Bernie Lorenz, Chief Science Officer of ProKure Solutions, discussed the intriguing topic of the effects of COVID on cannabis testing methods.