Listen to a Noid Factoid from Julie Kowalski, Principal Consultant with JA Kowalski Science Support.
In the latest installment of Noid Knowledge, host Evan Friedmann is joined by Julie Kowalski, a leading mind in analytical chemistry and cannabis testing. Julie has arranged a very compelling symposium for Pittcon Conference entitled, "Cannabis Aroma: Advances and Challenges in Determining and Commercializing Cannabis Product Quality Attributes." The session features top notch speakers, including several previous guests of the Noid Knowledge podcast, discussing the next generation of quality assessment in cannabis.
“The idea for this session came around a couple of things that were swirling around at the time. Number one is, it's beyond frustrating to have an entire economic system built around ‘potency values’ when that, in my own experience, does not determine in any way, shape or form, what my experience is going to be when I consume cannabis,” Julie explains in the podcast. “That also trickles down into a lot of other challenges in the market, including testing. So that is a very frustrating part of the industry right now, and I felt like with some of the work that was being done to really advance the idea of other quality attributes that are important and people should be interested in. That is something that I feel like, from a scientific standpoint, I saw people making strides in actually bringing the science portion of asking ‘what other quality attributes are there? How do we test for them? How do we provide this information to customers?’ I don't know if customers are ready for it yet, but hopefully they will be ready for it at some point, and it’s our job as scientists to be able to provide them sound information.”
Tune in to this podcast episode here!
Hello. I am Julie Kowalski of JA Kowalski Science Support and Saturn Scientific, and my Noid Factoid is that we will be educating on cannabis aroma and quality attributes at Pittcon, Wednesday, March 5, at 9:30am in room 209. See you there.