Cannabis Science Conference West 2019 Medical Cannabis Keynote Speaker, Day 1


Dr. Anahid Jewett, PhD, M.P.H., Professor and Director of Tumor Immunology Laboratory Division of Oral Biology and Medicine The Jane and Jerry Weintraub Center for Reconstructive Biotechnology Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center, UCLA School of Dentistry and Medicine, discusses her keynote talk “Natural Killer Cells, Probiotics, and Cannabis” from the 2019 Cannabis Science Conference West.

Dr. Anahid Jewett, PhD, M.P.H., Professor and Director of Tumor Immunology Laboratory Division of Oral Biology and Medicine The Jane and Jerry Weintraub Center for Reconstructive Biotechnology Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center, UCLA School of Dentistry and Medicine, will give a keynote talk today in Meeting Rooms B113–B116 starting at 11:00 a.m. The talk is titled “Natural Killer Cells, Probiotics, and Cannabis.” Jewett recently spoke to us about her talk and what she hopes attendees will learn from it.

Can you give us a little preview of your keynote talk for the 2019 Cannabis Science Conference West?Dr. Anahid Jewett: I will be talking about cancer and the immune system. In particular, I will be talking about natural killer (NK) cells and why they are important as well as the reason why they are inactivated in cancer patients and how we can use the natural killer cells to treat cancer. I will be talking about our in vitro as well as ex vivo and in vivo studies with humanized mice and super-charged NK cells in treatment of cancer. I will also talk about how cannabis can be conditioning of the immune system and what is in the future in the field of cannabis and cancer immunity.

Why is that important to you?

Jewett: It is important because if we find ways to strengthen the NK function in cancer patients we will prevent or treat cancer, since NK cells are inactivated in cancer patients and that is the reason why we have cancer in the first place, because NK cells eliminate cancer stem cells

What impact does this research/talk have on the broader cannabis community?

Jewett: They will learn about the progress in the field of cannabis and tumor immunity

What do you hope attendees will take away from your keynote?

Jewett: Understand the significance of natural killer cells in cancer therapy and its potential connection with the NK cells.

What are you hoping to learn or take away from this year’s conference?

Jewett: I would like to get to know others in the field and meet those who can help advance the field

Are there any other talks you plan to attend?

Jewett: Unfortunately, I have a limited time. I will try to catch as many talks as I can but will only be at the conference on the day of my talk.

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