Cannabis Science Conference West 2019 Medical Cannabis Keynote Speaker, Day 2


Dr. Dustin Sulak, Cofounder, Healer, discusses his keynote talk “Cannabis for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention” from the 2019 Cannabis Science Conference West. 

Dr. Dustin Sulak, Cofounder, Healer, will give a keynote talk today in Meeting Rooms B113–B116 starting at 11:00 a.m. The talk is titled “Cannabis for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention.” Sulak recently spoke to us about his talk and what he hopes attendees will learn from it.

Can you give us a little preview of your keynote talk for the 2019 Cannabis Science Conference West?Dr. Dustin Sulak: Most people use cannabis to treat serious medical conditions, and it’s surprisingly safe and effective.  Given what we know about the endocannabinoid system’s role in maintaining health, we should also be asking if, and how, cannabis can be used to prevent disease and keep people healthy.

What do you hope attendees will take away from your keynote?

Sulak: An understanding of how and why to use cannabis to promote health and prevent disease.

What are you hoping to learn or take away from this year’s conference? Are there any other talks you plan to attend?

Sulak: Not sure, always love to see Dr. Bonni Goldstein.

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