Oxford Cannabinoid Technologies Unveils Tablet Immunotherapy Treatment


Pharmaceutical developer Oxford Cannabinoid Technologies recently described the potential of its latest cannabinoid-based immunotherapy treatment.

In a news release (1) dated July 17, 2023, United Kingdom-based Oxford Cannabinoid Technologies (OCT) announced its development of a new immunotherapy treatment for solid tumors in the form of a tablet that could be taken at home, potentially resulting in a more cost-effective treatment for healthcare providers and more convenient experience for patients.

According to their website (2), OTC researches and develops medicines targeting the endocannabinoid system, primarily focusing on pain medications. With this latest research, they announced their entrance into oncology (1).

“The Company's analysis of the initial data shows excellent drug-like potential in terms of in vitro potency and selectivity to target, as well as in vivo availability in blood,” the new release stated (1). “This implies substantive potential for the development of a cannabinoid-based medicine that could be taken at home, as a tablet.”

The new compound works to turn back on a person’s own immune system to combat the tumor growth, Clarissa Sowemimo-Coker, Chief Executive Officer of OCT stated (3).

“I think that for a long time there has been a stigma around cannabis and cannabinoids,” Sowemimo-Coker added (3). “I think what we’re doing a bit differently here at OCT, and what is actually part of our core values, is to demystify and really bring legitimacy to the cannabinoid molecules and the potential that we believe they’ve got for therapeutic benefits for humankind. Because of the stigma, and because of the classification under the Misuse of Drugs Act, there hasn’t been the research done on these molecules over the last 20, 30, 40 years that has been done on other new chemical entities. We think there’s a huge amount of potential there. And I think people are beginning to understand that we might have missed a bit of a trick here.”

Before choosing the final lead candidate in 2024, OTC plans to complete a safety-pharmacology assessment (1).

Another OTC project currently underway involves a chemical that could bind to a cannabinoid receptor to treat chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (3).


  1. London Stock Exchange: London Stock Exchange https://www.londonstockexchange.com/news-article/OCTP/expansion-into-oncology/16042604 (accessed Jul 25, 2023).
  2. Stevens, B. Oct announces potential new “first in class” immunotherapy treatment, Kanabo stock jumps on new deal, Intercure leaves TSX https://businessofcannabis.com/oct-announces-potential-new-first-in-class-immunotherapy-treatment-kanabo-stock-jumps-on-new-deal-intercure-leaves-tsx/ (accessed Jul 25, 2023).
  3. Newton, S. Pills made from cannabis compound could help treat tumours https://www.independent.co.uk/news/health/national-institute-for-health-and-care-excellence-immunotherapy-cancer-pain-nice-b2377944.html (accessed Jul 25, 2023).
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