Results from a small, quantitative study conducted on behalf of Cannabis Science and Technology.
The cannabis industry is challenging so much of what we know about science, medicine, technology, economics, and more. Success doesn’t come from skipping steps, and our quantitative analysis has shown us that more research of varying types is necessary to the success of the industry.
The cannabis industry is on the precipice of uprooting so much of what we know about science, medicine, technology, economics, and more. Growers, investors, medical professionals, and entrepreneurs alike are all chomping at the bit to be a part of the bloom and boom to come. However, according to a small, quantitative study conducted on behalf of MJH Life Sciences’ Cannabis Science and Technology, current and potential members of the industry reveal that we remain a few petals short of a whole flower.
The vast majority of medical providers and professionals who participated in this study feel there is not enough scientific research being conducted where cannabis is concerned. They would most like to see clinical trials start happening in the next 5–10 years, but also feel strongly that several other action steps—such as longitudinal studies and dosing protocol research studies—are necessary going forward.
Many cannabis patients believe they would benefit from additional help from a medical professional when it comes to knowing which cannabis products to purchase for themselves. Only 2 out of 10 of the patients surveyed reported that they work with any medical professionals to help them manage their dosing needs. Many of these patients reported that they work with a nurse practitioner or pharmacist.
Respondents who were focused on cultivation rated how well they believe they understand the cannabis growing process a 7 on an 11-point scale. The two topics that they stated were most important to them currently included “growing” and “equipment.” Further, when looking to purchase said equipment, they reported being most motivated to make purchases from a company based upon reviews, word of mouth, and perceived value.
The analytical scientists surveyed believe the general public is not well informed about the need for cannabis testing, providing a rating of 3 on an 11-point scale. Also, the lack of testing standards stood out among respondents as the biggest challenge facing cannabis testing laboratories.
Of important note is that all of this information wouldn’t be available had we not stopped and simply asked these questions—and asking questions is the gateway to discovery and progress. Asking questions is science.
While the word science often brings to mind images of test tubes, shiny equipment, and lab coats, the world of social science focuses on studying human interactions and social relationships. These interactions and relationships can be with other humans, of course, but the social sciences—market research specifically—also studies how we engage with the services we receive, the products we consider purchasing, the information we consume, and how our emotional reactions influence how and when we open our wallets.
The cannabis industry is scratching the surface of what it means to be a ground-breaking market. As laws change and public attitudes shift, it is important to maneuver the transforming landscape and secure your legacy as an industry leader by making certain you know how to get the answers to the questions that matter. Answers that equate to success. Success doesn’t come from skipping steps, and our quantitative analysis has shown us that more research of varying types is necessary to the growth and development of the industry.
Michelle Finzel, as President of Maryland Marketing Source, Inc., Michelle leverages her unique perspective of the market research industry’s evolutionary path to help achieve her goals of blending theory with practice, emotions with insights, and numbers with words. Experienced with all qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, she has been published several times and has been called upon to present on topics concerning small group communication, public speaking, and qualitative recruitment practices. She is proud to call Baltimore, Maryland her home. Direct correspondence to:
How to Cite this Article
M. Finzel, Cannabis Science and Technology 5(1), 38-39 (2022).
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